Thursday 4 February 2016

white walls

I moved into a new flat last week. It's completely bare, the walls are an off white eggshell that glow with yellow boxes when the sun rises in the morning. on my windowsill I have some books, a basil plant, and a pillow to sit on.  It is my first real adult home, and the most peaceful space I have ever inhabited.

It's probably a given that our surroundings infiltrate and impact on our moods, thoughts and feelings. I've never really been one to believe in 'energy' or 'vibes' in a literal sense but I can't deny that sense of lightness on my spirit after moving here. That's the best way to describe it, lightness.
To have a clear mind you need a clear space. And that's what I have finally got today. Happy new year as of the 04/02/16.

Ever put things off for when you're in the  'right frame of mind'? I certainly do. I just quit a mind numbing job that was forcing my soul to deteriorate. Bad move from a practice mindset, first rents due this week and I've only just discovered my council tax band... but what's more important? creative freedom, fresh outlooks, new opportunities, happiness... lightness? or, financial stability.

To be honest I don't know. But I suppose I am about to find out, will keep you posted.

Friday 17 July 2015

Hello again.

Long time no see. Does anyone ever feel like they don't know where they're going?

A few weeks ago, I bought (with my remaining funds) a Penny board, or rather, a cheap, Amazon-sourced mock up. It is one of the best things I have ever paid for, not only is it an escape - a literal get-away, but its focused, meditate even. I mean... its a centralising experience.

I only go up and down the back lane of my street. I fall off a lot, the neighbourhood kids zoom past me doing ticks and flips and I cant go fast. When the road dips near the end of the lane the wheels start to wobble and I can feel the vibration through my shoes so after a split second of what I suppose is fear, I jump off, look back and see I've covered maybe three meters (3.5 when I'm reckless).

I'm making a metaphor out of my skateboard. But I don't care.

Anyway I started a new tumblr where I'm posting drawings of people:

Have a look if you like.  Don't forget your knee pads.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

 A good friend turned 21 last week and to celebrate, she planned a weekend trip to the west coast of Scotland.

 Without too much thought as to where we were going exactly (never mind how to get there), I hoped in the rental car with my newly acquainted German driver - her first time in Scotland - and hit the road. 

A four hour drive isn't that long, nor really that far. I think just the perfect distance.

Silence, clear water, and a big rolling sky. 

Fresh air never felt so fresh... I think, just what is needed to clear the mind and set that ticker back to 0.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

January is cold and long so thank goodness for twinkly stars at night

Monday 14 October 2013

It's getting super cold, and to celebrate this, my sister and I decided to have a day out on the coast, complete with ice creams (yolo). 

Wednesday 18 September 2013

It's been nearly a couple of weeks since I last updated my posts which is terrible! However I feel I can justify this due to my current back and forth lifestyle + additional dose of freshers flu :(. Having decided to stay in Fife with the parents for term time, (save save save mentality) I am now your regular sofa-surfing train traveling wifi hunter, commuting to Edinburgh whenever I have class, which (typically) now appears to be more or less every day. We'll see how this one pans out... 

In other news, I want to say a massive congrats to Stylonylon on winning the Free People Guest UK Blogger competition! If you haven't already, check out her blog posts on the Free People site here. It was super fun taking part and definitely has inspired me to blog more, and by doing so, learn more. Tonight I'm going to a photography club in Edinburgh to pick up some photo tips and meet some more photo lovers- I'm really excited!! 

I've been so ill with the cold that today was the first time in what feels like agesss that I ventured outside (ahh fresh air). Coughing and wheezing all the way down to the braes in my village I took my camera to try capture a bit of this awesome autumn-y day. Leaves gathering at the curb of the pathway, First Aid Kit on shuffle, trees thinning out to reveal the ice blue water of the Tay behind them.. I'm getting very excited for my favourite season!!!

Wednesday 4 September 2013

I've started to make these '30 second films'. Well, I've only made a couple but my intention is to make two or three a week. They don't mean anything, there's no elaborate story line or double meaning, they just try to 'capture' something... an emotion, a feeling, an atmosphere. Also they're not always 30 seconds, this one is from my bike ride today and its over double the length I set, but ho hum what can you do. Anyway, more to come soon hopefully x

Cycling from Charlotte on Vimeo.