Friday 1 March 2013

Hello Earth


It’s a beautiful sunny day in the capital, the sort of day where you wake up and just feel great, happy even.  It could feel like it’s the start of a new chapter. Time to turn those ideas into plans and seize your opportunities! Begin today like it’s the first day of the rest of your life... yadda yadda, you get the idea.

But anyway when I woke up this morning I decided I’d update my blog, it’s been lifeless for months and that just won’t do. What are you gonna do?

There’s something about the sunshine in Edinburgh, I guess because we’re so deprived through winter (90% of the year), whenever it is sunny, we really go to town. I suppose I mean that literally, some great style is on showcase today. On my way to my current caffeine fix, a girl wearing a tailored leather suit jacket and round Lennon-style sunglasses lit up the old, lets-hit-the-charity-shops light bulb. It’s been a while since I had a proper rummage in British Heart Foundation... probably my next port-of-call. Plenty of sweet little summer dresses out there too, pastel pinks and greens making me long for spring time. Which reminds me, it’s the 1st of March today, what the heck? This year is speeding by (like the others before it) and I’m almost (nearly almost) a graduated Film student... and here I am tapping away, enjoying a very venti latte (with perhaps one too many sweeteners).

But I’m not here just to gaze out the window at the teenage emo-crew that hang about on Hunter Square, I’m writing a script.  It’s a short film, ten minutes no more and I believe it’s going to be quite the spectacle!  - Ugh I just knocked over my very venti latte whilst trying to shift my laptop across to a working plug, now I’ve mopped up pretty much the whole floor with three hundred paper towels, lets resume (thanks for the help on-lookers...) – It’s as the very early stages and with potential actors lined up and locations being looked into it’s all quite exciting... and of course, extremely stressful.

Today’s schedule includes meetings with others working on the film, cracking down on that essay, a bit more prancing in the sun and who know, maybe pick up a bargain in BHF.

‘Till next time ;)

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